John A. Valdez
Research Engineering Scientist Associate II
Applied Research Laboratories
The University of Texas at Austin
(512) 835-3466

John A. Valdez
Mr. Valdez serves as the custodian of the Gas Dynamics Laboratory (GDL) at the Applied Research Labs at the University of Texas at Austin (ARL:UT). He worked with Dr. Charles Tinney from 2014-2016 as a research assistant at the Center for Aeromechanics Research at The University of Texas at Austin while studying Physics. In 2017, he began his career as a Research Engineering Scientist Associate at ARL:UT in the GDL. Mr. Valdez aided in the design, fabrication and calibration of various test apparatus used in the GDL and was key to the construction of this state-of-the art facility comprising multiple high-speed wind tunnels and rotorcraft test stands. He has co-authored numerous nationally and internationally recognized conference papers and journal articles. Mr. Valdez's technical interests include optical flow visualization techniques (schlieren, shadowgraphy and focused schlieren), methods for quantifying the aerodynamic performance of aerospace systems, the physics of supersonic and hypersonic flows, jet and rocket aeroacoustics, particle image velocimetry, and analysis methods for fluid flows.
Curriculum Vitae
- B.S. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, Austin, Texas, USA, Department of Physics, Applied Engineering, May 2015.
- THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, Austin, Texas, USA, McCombs School of Business, Business Foundations Certificate, May 2015.
- NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY, Socorro, NM, USA, High-speed digital imaging techniques for blast and impact measurement Educational Workshop, 2015.