Postdoc position at SGL
Fellowship Description
The Space and Geophysics Laboratory (SGL) of the Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin (ARL:UT) wishes to invite applications for one or more postdoctoral fellowship positions with an emphasis in Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). SGL invites applications from individuals that have recently completed their Ph.D. in natural sciences or engineering. Applicant must have received his or her Ph.D. within the last three years in order to be eligible. Individuals with research experience in VLBI or radio astronomy are encouraged to apply. Experience with interferometry at radio wavelengths, appropriate correlators, and VLBI software processing chains would be ideal.
This successful candidate will plan and work, at about half-time, an independent research program aimed at publication. The topic area will be coordinated between the successful candidate and ARL:UT. In addition, the appropriate candidate will be required to work with other personnel to provide research, technical analyses, and recommendations for existing efforts, which may involve geodetic or GNSS applications. ARL:UT is also collaborating with the University Center for Space Research, and the ideal candidate will be expected to join and independently pursue these collaborations.
A familiarity with modern software development techniques, as well as laboratory skills, are desirable but not essential. The successful applicant should demonstrate strong potential as an independent researcher and small (2-5 people) team collaborator. Applicants will be able to submit proposals as the Principle Investigator and are expected to pursue outside funding opportunities. A willingness to work with and mentor undergraduate researchers is desirable.
The appointment is contingent upon the completion of the requirements for a Ph.D. and will be for an initial period of one year with the possibility of renewal for up to three years. Outstanding recipients may be considered for staff positions at the completion of their appointment. U.S. citizenship is required. Subject to a government security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information. All positions are security sensitive and a background investigation will be conducted.
Salary Range: determined by experience and qualifications. Excellent fringe benefits.
How to apply
Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae (with citizenship indicated), publication bibliography, three letters of reference, and a copy of two recent papers or manuscripts to:
Lyssa Heine
Human Resources
Applied Research Laboratories
The University of Texas at Austin
P.O. Box 9767
Austin, TX 78766-9767
The University of Texas is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer.